February 25, 2021

5 reasons for using mobile games in brand strategy


Kasia Ceran

Digital Value Manager

Striving for a perfect branding strategy? You probably read all marketing guides about raising brand awareness, building customer engagement, using effective tools to showcase products or services, implementing CTA best practices. Minimal initial investment and huge ROI keeps you up at night. You keep measuring marketing results but... your efforts are still not good enough. Maybe it’s the high time for some out-of-the-box thinking? If you want to bring some hype around your brand, bet on mobile games. No need to thank.

Did I draw your attention? So this is why mobile games can help you with brand marketing.

1. Mobile first

Let’s start with some numbers. Did you know that mobile gamers make up 88.8% of digital gamers? Quite impressive. The majority of gamers are therefore not console users, but users of widely available mobile devices. The availability and popularity of mobile devices mean that any limitations of game accessibility are basically gone - except maybe WiFi, but even here the offline mode comes to the rescue.

What is more, over 50% of mobile app users already play games on their mobile devices - the numbers speak for themselves.So do you want to find the right communication channel for your brand? Opt for a branded mobile game by creating a mobile app - your advertisement will be literally in every pocket. Is there a better way of brand advertising?

2. Everyone plays

Knowing that the majority of gamers are not console users, playing the hottest titles and collecting new achievements, but random mortals who reach for mobile games on the go, during lunch breaks, in front of the TV, waiting in line, or in other less busy situations, it is not surprising that games are becoming more and more accessible also in terms of user experience.

Simple gameplay encourages reaching for the game even for 5 or 15 minutes - no matter if you are 10, 30, or 50 years old. Games highly engage audience across a wide range of ages: 44% are mobile gamers between 16 to 34, 44% between 35 to 54, and 12% older. What may be interesting, 51 % of mobile gamers are women and they play more frequently than men. What is more, women are the biggest in-game spenders (4.5% compared to only 3.3% of men).

That simplicity of user experience in mobile games is therefore a huge advantage in terms of marketing. As a marketer, you don't have to get a specialized company responsible for creating the game, which not only involves huge costs but also time. In Liki we are able to deliver branded mobile games even in a month.

3. Customization

Imagine presenting products or services in-game. Sounds cool? You can show your top-selling goods or use our branded mobile game to launch new ones. You decide and we deliver top UI and UX experience. There are no limits - from fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) and popular services to luxury goods.

Customized games can be a great opportunity to grab attention and create some buzz around the product. Branded animations and maps will not only make the game pleasant and dynamic but also will present your brand in an unconventional and unforgettable way.

4. CTA

Let’s start with other numbers. Did you know what kind of apps hold the highest session lengths? Yes, mobile games! When the average length across all app categories is about 4 minutes and 33 seconds, app games reach around 13 minutes. What does it mean? There are plenty of chances to create many touch points inside a single session. In other words, these are great opportunities to interact and put CTA by marketers.

And now the icing on the cake, according to a July 2018 Jun Group survey in the US, 49% of respondents said that games have the best ad experiences. It can’t be a coincidence.

5. Sales strategy

Everyone likes to win and even more to receive rewards. They are an inherent part of game-design elements and they always have to appear. So, did you think about how to reward the players? For some, the reward will be the satisfaction of high-ranking positions. For others, it will be discount codes, cut price coupons, a chance to take part in a lottery, or maybe even guaranteed surprises. There are many possibilities, and we are able to match the right promotional strategy to the game mechanics.

We have a win-win situation. The players not only get free, engaging entertainment, but also get a benefit that may push them to start the buying process. Potentially, the brand gains a customer. It manages to not only catch his attention and increase brand awareness but also directly impact the sales results.

If your company struggles with such a common challenge, which is the repetitiveness of traditional advertising formats that bring no consumer engagement, I think we might find the best solution. This unique marketing approach makes mobile games one of the best tools to promote your business. Not to mention that mobile games offer a surprising return on investment - the initial investment is minimal, yet the ROI gets to be huge. Games bring positive user experiences. And the positive user experience always leads to better engagement, loyalty and higher sales.

So what brand strategy will you take? Let’s get started.

Feel free to create a brand-safe environment with high engagement.

Need an example? Take a look at our Case Study. The Hop & TRAch game was created for the biggest interactive museum in Łódź EC1 - the City of Culture, and presents the real views of the museum. This retro pixel art game gives an opportunity to virtually explore the space of EC1 while having fun with famous Polish comics heroes Tytus, Romek and A'Tomek.

Based on Influencer Marketing Hub | MMA Global | MOPUB

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Meet the author


Kasia Ceran

Digital Value Manager

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