LIKI Mobile Solutions


A game-changer for your business

Symfony development for your business

In today’s world, most companies want to move quickly with digitization processes. Cloud applications become more and more popular, and businesses do whatever it takes to use resources as efficiently as possible. A real game-changer for your business challenges may be Symfony development. It works on projects with the highest level of customization and business processes that need to be quickly automated.

Symfony for developing web applications

Symfony is a set of reusable PHP components and a PHP framework for web projects. It’s the standard foundation on which the best PHP applications are built. Symfony is an open source created to simplify development processes. It helps developers work better and faster, mainly thanks to structuring developments and reusing generic modules. Currently, Symfony is one of the most popular web application frameworks among the open-source developers’ community.

The main idea behind creating this popular framework was to do away with the hectic coding, thus, saving the time of the development team. It’s one of the most fundamental concepts. Symfony development facilitates long-term maintenance and scalability by complying with standard development rules. It is very often used to build high-performance complex web applications.

Why choose Symfony development services?








Flexible and user-friendly





You can easily accelerate your time-to-market by saving development time.

Apps created with PHP Symfony can be as user-oriented as you want. We can scale up your project with advanced OOP service architecture. Implement your business logic in the backend. That mkes Symfony one of the best PHP frameworks.

Symfony is stable and sustainable, no matter the version of the framework. It’s one of the most solid programming languages.

Flexible and user-friendly
Symfony configuration can be smoothly controlled and so can the critical features of web development. The framework is compatible with other database systems. Symfony was designed for developers who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications.

Symfony enables developers to automate the functional testing which saves time and effort. The framework offers many handy tools for functional, behavioral, and unit testing. Dedicated tools like the Web Debug Toolbar and the Profiler let you easily track the performance.

Each Symfony’s bundle has unique functionality. Bundles can be reused in various projects or shared with the community. Almost anything can be modified or changed so that it fits your needs best.

Why and where you should use Symfony

Symfony framework is perfect for you if you want to create customized and modern web applications or websites. It offers speed, functionality, and flexibility. It provides a set of PHP components that can be used in other applications independently from the framework.

How to choose Symfony development services?

We will gladly fit the solution that fits your business needs.

Symfony development at Liki

At Liki, we are experts in Symfony development. We love projects that require a lot of customization – this is something we find the most challenging. We provide adaptable Symfony development services for both startups and large organizations. We are ready to: Build a perfect Symfony web app for your specific needs / Create a robust, highly scalable website that will help your brand grow / Provide you with professional business consulting and research Symfony services / Help you maintain your server and website if needed.

How is Liki different?

Our software house combines technical background with an innovative approach. We understand the challenges and roadblocks business owners face and we are ready to strive for the best to boost your business. You don’t need to be familiar with threatening-sounding words like dependency injection, service class, public function, repetitive coding tasks, or string argument. Let us combine you business needs with digital creation. Interested in Symfony project? We’re waiting for you to reach out!






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