LIKI Mobile Solutions

August 26, 2019

Poland Among Top 3 Countries With The Best Programmers


Magdalena Rucińska

If you are curious where to find the most qualified programmers for your business, HackerRank has got an answer for you. The online resource studied their 1.5M community participating in online programming challenges to find out the places with the most competent specialists.

They based the ranking on 15 different domains of challenges, by averaging the scores of countries in each domain. So who leads?

China and Russia are leading the list, with a slight difference in the scores. Poland is the 3rd, Switzerland and Hungary are closing the TOP-5. Such results may be surprising, as the two leading global suppliers of programmers – the USA and India, – are far below, taking 28th and 31st places respectively. Apparently, while leading in the quantity, these states do not score high in quality. It is also worth noting that even though China took the leading position based on the average scores, it took the first place in only 3/15 domains.

What about Poland?

In addition to being among TOP-3 global leaders, the research shows, that Polish specialists are #1 in Java development, and #2 in Algorithms and Python domains. In terms of languages, Poland mainly focuses on Java (around 30%), followed by C++ (around 25%), Python (around 20%), and SQL (less than 20%). It’s also noted that Poland has one of the lowest percentages of cases when the developers gave up on its solving (only 2.7% of challenges were left without finishing), indicating that Polish specialists are persuasive and not afraid of complicated tasks.

So, Poland rules! We’re happy that our developers got global recognition, and we’re ready to provide top-end specialists and expertise worldwide!

Source: HackerRank

Meet The Authors

Magdalena Rucińska
